Private Tours are not available from October 10th until May 1st, 2014.

Tour seasons starts up again May 1st, 2014.

2 responses »

  1. Deborah Hicks says:

    We just arrived in Portland last night and were really looking forward to taking your tour with our Portland friends. When I checked out your web site this morning I saw the news that all tours were off until next year! This info was not posted when I checked out your site last week!! We are really sad that this info was not posted earlier as we would have made the effort to be there for your tour on Monday….Is there any way that we could take the tour and or a private tour with you between Wednesday and Friday????
    Deborah from SF

    • secretsofportlandia says:

      Hey Deborah, sorry you weren’t able to do the tour while you were in Portland. I, Erik, am currently abroad and left my tour with a friend I had trained to take over for me but he bailed at the last minute. Guess thats why I avoided having employees for so long! So of course I was mad that he didn’t keep his commitment. I wish I could make a tour happen for you, but our tour season is over and all the guides are out of Portland at the moment. Again, my apologies for the inconvenience. Hope you have a great trip to Portland.

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